Modular Contracts
Magic and Dark Magic ecosystem tokens are modular with upgradable contracts. This means they are run by proxy contracts, in other words, the smart contracts have elements of them that point to an alternative place where the code exists that runs those contracts. This means developers can change the code the smart contract points to, thus making it upgradable.
Since the use of pointers introduces an additional attack vector, additional security measures have been implemented to control contract ownership. The benefits of this modular design include quick fixes for discovered bugs, exploits, and vulnerabilities.
However, we have made this system not just upgradable, but also modular, so we have the ability to add future features to the system. This means, as the DeFi space develops and technology advances, we have the ability to potentially add those advancements into Magic and Dark Magic, for community benefit.
Fee Income
Various components of the platform have nominal fees to maintain and grow the ecosystem, as well as assist towards sustainability.
Fee income will be utilized by the project for the following:
For strategic expenses of the project from audits, services, liquidity, or other aspects to create more value add to the project and community.
Development Fund
Covering the cost of development of the project.
Last updated